You have reached the graphic station on - Enjoy your stay and feel free to browse around. On this frontpage, the entrance to my site, I'll show of some wallpapers and some experimental graphic work. In the logo section you will find som logos made by me.. And in the website section you will find websites designed by me, and some sites made in conjunction with other people or from work. The misc section is all about other stuff created by me also and some work I've done with other people too. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to contact me for any given reason..

This site is NOT meant to be a perfect example of webdesign. It's only about showing of some of my work and graphics. So don't mind the design, look at the graphic, that's what it's all about.

Tuesday, May 13, 2020: Just added. Level wallpaper. 4 More reference sites. And 2 more logo's.

..Peter Hansen -

Reference list:
- HAL computer - Netcafe Helsingør - PCBillig - Pfizer ApS - BEA Systems - Metroberg A/S - - KlikogVind - - - HAL Games - Aorta - SL Mediacom - CP Interactive - Amistad - Divajam - Playtown - - - plus more.

Wallpaper made for the compo on Took the logo, outlined it in Illustrator, and used it in Cinema 4D XL and of course in Photoshop 6.01

Death'a'Tron GOLD...
Smashed up a sphere ind 3D and made a Matrix extrusion on some of the faces on the object. Another gold texture and some tweaking in Photoshop 6.01

Photon GFX wallpaper..

This is yet another experiment with caos as object.. I've used shattered object, and matrix extrusion on the object. The dark look is made in Photoshop 6.01
Silver DeathMachine ...
Fooling around with textures in Cinema 3D XL to get the silver/chrome effect on the objects. Parts of this wallpaper is used in the header on

Text on a string DARK..

Experiment with extrusion and vectorbased models in Photoshop. The explosion effect is made with shatter object in Cinema 4D XL

Experiment with light sources in Cinema 4D XL and almost random set boxes. Tweaked in Photoshop 6.01 including the lights.

Redhell machine..

The redhell machine used for some headers and other designs. The idea is to create a big wallpaper, and use parts of it for ambient graphic in logo's etc etc.
Maxartcore light...
Nothing much to write about this one. It's just another graphic experiment with a typelogo, and simple 3D elements. Programs used, Cinema 4D XL and Photoshop 6.01 wallpaper..

Wallpaper for a counter-strike clan called AuchMars. (The clan I'm in, actually) Got some spacewrapped effects and 3D typeface. Programs used, Cinema 4D XL and Photoshop 7.0

Experiment spikes...
Another experiment with the spike look and gold effect, This is actually a cube where I've made a matrix extrude on it. Programs used, Cinema 4D XL and Photoshop 6.01

Fun with nursepic..

Messing around in Cinema 4D XL, and Photoshop 6.01. The Nurse picture is copyrighted by
Visual orgasm ...
Visual Orgasm wallpaper for nothing but experimentation. The main object is a truetype font tweaked for ultimate performance ...

Digicam in a bag of chips..

Had some fun with my new Digitalcam (Sony P5). Dropped it into a bag of potatochips, and snapped some shoots. orange.. logo got a makeover just for fun.. Orange style, and of course some major ambient tweaking and stuff. Programs used, Cinema 4D XL and Photoshop 6.01

Cosanostra wallpaper ..

Made for a danish Counter-strike clan called Cosanostra. Programs used for this, Cinema 4D XL and Photoshop 6.01
Elevation wallpaper..
Another danish counter-strike clan called Elevation. Programs used for this, Cinema 4D XL and Photoshop 6.01


The old logo for Level. A counter-strike clan. Cinema 4D, and some tweaking in Photoshop 6.01, The background is the same used on the AuchMars wallpaper.

NOTE: You cannot use ANY graphic on this site, All graphic, logos, etc are copyrighted either by the company or by You are however welcome to contact if you want to use any of the wallpapers for commercial use.

Contact information: E-mail hprom(snabela)